Boxee has launched the Boxee Live TV dongle and started shipping the device on Tuesday. The Live TV dongle will allow for ATSC over the air channels through the Boxee Box by simply connecting the tuner into one of the available USB ports on the Boxee Box. Now for those of you that do not know what over the air antenna is, stay tuned as we have a great article coming this week to discuss cable alternatives.
Boxee Box owners will be receiving the Boxee 1.5 firmware update which has begun rolling out and will be staggered over the next 72 hours. The update includes the following:
Boxee v1.5 Features
- New UI look and feel
- Improved search
- New library screens with simpler filtering
- Browser Pop-up management
- Rotten Tomatoes integration
- On-Device Social Account Pairing
Source: Boxee Blog
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