Google + hits iOS devices finally

Posted by Jamie Forestell

With over 10 Million Google + users in the first two weeks, Google  is really taking a stab at Facebook and social media. One of the major limitations has been the inability to access Google + with a native app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. Sure browsing to the mobile scaled down version worked, but it just isn’t the same.  

 Today Apple has finally given the approval for the app on the iTunes appstore, and you can download it here.  For iPad users, there is currently no native iPad app so you will need to install the iPhone version for now unfortunately.

Let us know your thoughts! Do you think you will close your Facebook account for Google +, or will you even create a Google + account.

iPhone Screenshots

Thanks Mark for the tip!

About Jamie Forestell

Jamie Forestell is the Editor-in-chief and also the founder of Tek Tok Canada. His knowledge and aptitude for Technology led him to create a central website for all Canadians. His strong passion for the Technology world helps him stay abreast of leading-edge technologies and his desire to spread this information was the driving factor behind the creation of Tek Tok Canada.

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