As a result of the CRTC decision to re-evaluate the UBB ruling, Teksavvy has re-instated their unlimited internet plans for those that have been grandfathered , and for other plans they have increased the monthly limit from 200GB to 300GB, effective March 1. Bell has also admitted that the usage calculator has been acting wonky and over-calculating (ouch). Teksavvy’s current internet plans can be seen here, and a copy of the letter Teksavvy customers received is below.
Dear TekSavvy Customer,
Because of your support and participation in reaching out to the various MPs and the Minister of Industry we’re pleased to announce that the March 1st UBB implementation date has been suspended indefinitely.
With over 460,000 signatures having been sent to Parliament Minister Clement and the Industry committee requested the CRTC review its recent decision in full, which it has obliged and are now doing.
Until this review has occurred UBB over DSL has been completely shelved. Minister Clement also added they would overturn the review should it resemble in any way to the previous outcome!
So, congratulations to all who’ve spoken up about this issue, you’ve made a huge difference. As a Canadian, today, I can honestly say it’s refreshing to know politicians do listen and will affect change when the public at large shows concern!
Effective March 1st we are going to move forward and make changes to the Usage, but we’re going to make it a positive one! We are reinstating the Unlimited package but the 200GB package will be changed… to 300GB! UBB is about Internet Costs, and as a result of lower costs with our providers (Peer1, Lime Light, etc…), costs outside our relationship with companies like Bell, we are extending the savings on to you, the clients… Enjoy!
PS – To view your usage or receive more details on reinstated/upgraded packages go to » Please note that usage on the Customer Portal is currently only available to DSL users. We are working towards adding this option to all of our Cable users.
So far over 463,695 Canadians have signed the petition. Usage based billing impacts all Canadians either directly or indirectly so keep those signatures coming in. A big thank you to Steve Anderson and his staff for spearheading this initiative.
Source: DSLReports
Bell should fire the CRTC, since all they did was draw more attention to teksavvy. That is obviously not what Bell hired them to do.
Are you for real!. CRTC is not for hire, it’s a regulatory body.
Bell might as well have hired them cause they do what Bell tells them and they only know what bell tells them.
UBB, that is the funniest comment I’ve heard to date on the whole CRTC fiasco. Well played sir.