Motorola Xoom coming as early as February 17

Motorola XoomEngadget is reporting that a Best Buy insider has tipped them off and a leaked memo shows the Motorola Xoom tablet, featuring Android Honeycomb OS could be launched on February 17.  The price shows $699 USD for the 32GB version. This is very exciting news for all Android fans, as well as iPad fans I am sure. There is nothing to indicate if this will follow into Canada for the same launch date. We made several attempts at contacting Motorola but we have not heard back yet. Stay tuned for an update.

Source: Engadget

About Jamie Forestell

Jamie Forestell is the Editor-in-chief and also the founder of Tek Tok Canada. His knowledge and aptitude for Technology led him to create a central website for all Canadians. His strong passion for the Technology world helps him stay abreast of leading-edge technologies and his desire to spread this information was the driving factor behind the creation of Tek Tok Canada.

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  1. Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi – now available for pre-order in Canada – – April 8, 2011.

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